Friday, February 25, 2011


I am currently attending a large conference on education in Cambodia. In the span of my career I have attended several conferences, workshops, trainings, and professional development activities.

I am consistently amazed by the proportion of these activities that are not taught well. I work in a field that specializes in the presentation of information, and yet, the vast majority of experts in my field seem totally incapable of presenting information to their peers.

Would any of them, any of us, advise teachers to stand in front of a group and read slides? Or even simply to present without interruption for more than 10 or 15 minutes at a time? How can we claim to be immersed in the science of information presentation, and then not use what we know when presenting information?

People should sweat bullets before they present before teachers. We should expect, demonstrate, and encourage the absolute highest level of information sharing in our conferences and professional development sessions.


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